Mezonic Oslo
Mezonic Oslo
Mezonic Porsgrunn
Grepi Plast
Pavels Innovation
+47 476 60 111 Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00 Akersgt 7, 0158 Oslo
+47 476 60 111 Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00 Hydrovegen 19, 3933 Porsgrunn
+47 476 60 111 Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00 Hydrovegen 19, 3933 Porsgrunn
+47 476 60 111 Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00 Hydrovegen 19, 3933 Porsgrunn

The CC Container is approved for broken glass and needles

Did you know that the CC Container is approved to transport 115 kg of needles and broken glass? The CC Container is thus a good option for hospitals and research institutions, including a safe and secure container.

Each container keeps certification for 5 years after it is applied. It can be washed between each time and thus save companies from having to invest in new containers to needles and glass. This also saves the environment. After these 5 years have passed, you can get the containers re-certified. This means that in good treatment, the containers can hold for many years. They can be ordered in both red and yellow hazardous waste color, and follow all necessary regulations. The container is UN certified for packaging groups I, II and III which allows them to contain hazardous waste, such as needles, bandages, contaminated broken glass and other regulated waste.

CC Container with broken glass
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